Issue Position: Tax Reform

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2013

Simply put, our current tax system is busted. A temporary bandage is not what we need. The current tax code is complex and unfair and needs a major overhaul. Taxpayers and businesses are spending exorbitant amounts of time just to comply, and this exhausts resources, both human and financial.

Taxation without representation is immoral and the American public needs a voice to overcome the tax burdens we continue to face with federal spending out of control.

The resolution is simple, but doesn't have much support from a government whose spending has run amok. The solution: allow the taxpayers to keep more of their money. Decreasing income taxes puts money back into the local economy. An increase in spending is an incentive for business growth and jobs. Without a major turn-around from our current tax model, we are hindered from economic opportunity and job growth. I would like to offer support of an idea whose time has come.

I am a proponent of a fair tax system. By placing the tax on the public as consumers, rather than as wage earners, they have more control over how their hard-earned-dollars provide for their families. The social-security system is proposed to be bankrupt by 2042 and was never intended as a means for retirement income. Allow the public as consumers to seek alternative ways of funding for retirement. I lend my support to a consumption tax, or Fair Tax, that will allow for economic growth, financial stability and a tax that encourages investment and eases compliance. This Fair Tax will allow the government to tax undocumented workers who do not pay income tax under the current system.
